This is great tool
I love homebudget and own the app on iOS and mac. it’s not a slick super-automated ultra-cute app. it’s a great tool that does what it is supposed to and does it really well. i want an app that gives me the most flexibility to assign categories, subcategories, subdivide expenses, accounts, payees, and make it easy to export the data to a common, widely adopted format where I can use it in another program. i’ve bought a dozen other expense apps like this one and none had the power and flexibility that this app has. and the sync function works perfectly to keep the database updated across all your devices. the iOS version just got a nice visual update and I hope that makes its way to the mac app. The app would benefit from some additional keyboard shortcuts (e.g. to generate a new expense entry), but if you want to be in cotrol of your expenses and want a simple clean interface to it, this app is great. if you feel nervous about giving an app passwords to your financial institutitons and want a way to log your expenses without being sold financial services etc, this is the best app for this kind of application that i’ve found anywhere. thatnk you Anishu for this great tool and for continuing to maintain it over the years!
by far the best thing about this app is that you can export into a format that can be read by any spreadsheet tool. this means you can easily export the data, migrate the data, etc, etc. Future proofing was really important for me and this software delivers on that
update for version 3.0.5: great new flatter icons made it over from the iOS version - nice and welcome addition! thanks!
samboneli about
HomeBudget with Sync